Wednesday, March 12, 2008

New slogan For Las Vegas unveiled

The recent economic slowdown has caused the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority to ramp up their promotion of our fine neon city in an effort to draw more tourists and remind businesses there's still plenty of convention space to be rented.

The $11 million planned for a new marketing campaign was moved up two months and will contain commercials featuring a new slogan.

"What happens in Vegas..." no, not that one, but it's still being kept.

"Your Vegas is showing..." not that one either, but it also will still be used.

Hey, if you spent millions on a slogan, you would keep 'em too.

The new slogan is "Vegas, Right Now."

As in, get your butt over here today to help out our poor casinos.

By our rough estimate, that boils down to $3.67 million per word.

Commercials will soon be touting the new multimillion-dollar slogan in major cities across the U.S.

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