Wednesday, March 12, 2008

New Mexico election decided by poker game

Only in the United States could an election be decided by a poker game. Surprisingly, though, it wasn’t in Nevada.

Josie Richards won a game of five-card stud — with a pair of nines — to claim the seat of town trustee in Estancia, New Mexico.
Richards and her opponent Michelle Dunlap, another woman, ended up in a draw after a vote for the position, and under New Mexico law, in the event of a tie, the winner is chosen by a game of chance.
This wasn’t the first time poker has settled an election draw in Estancia. In 2001, the mayor of Estancia James Farrington was re-elected to the town’s top job when he won a single hand of poker against JoAnn Carlson, a woman, with an ace-high flush. She drew a 10-high flush.

For a video of the game, go here.

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