Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Can you hear me now?


For one year as of yesterday, cell phones will now be allowed in Nevada race and sports books.

Cell phone ban regulation 22-135 (which includes any two-way electronic communication) was put into place in 1999 by the Nevada Gaming Commission to prevent people from betting for other people, as well as talking to bookies when the lines changed.

But that was 10 years ago, when cell phones weren't as ubiquitous as they are now, making it much more difficult to enforce.

But enforcing was still a requirement, and often when taking a call (or even texting someone) in the sportsbook, security would approach us and ask us to turn off our phone. We were even told to stop using the phone, when we were using the calculator part to determine odds.

And what of mobile gaming devices, which were approved by the gaming commission for use in sports books?

Cell phone use will now be allowed but "monitored" for one year to see how it goes and then decided whether the ban will be permanent.

Now we can play online poker on our mobile device in the sports book in peace!

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