Monday, November 19, 2007

No Deportation for Shawn "Sheiky" Sheikhan

Shawn Sheikhan had a bright moment in a fall full of controversy when a judge ruled against a deportation motion brought by the Department of Immigration. The result is that Sheiky gets to stay, pending a possible appeal by the immigration people; had it gone the other way, he could packing his tattoo-parlor fixings and looking to open up a new chain of shops in Tehran. Sheikhan was born in Iran and is a U.S. resident alien.
For those of you not familiar with the longer part of the tale, the trouble came about when Sheikhan's name turned up on a list of old criminals being cross-checked by Department of Immigration, who uses such things to look for people to deport. Sheikhan had a bit of a mess in his past, in a matter concerning with an underage girl in California, back in 1995. Sheikhan served nine months in prison and received five years of probation in that matter, though it was officially booked as a misdemeanor. (Nine months jail time and five years probation is on the healthy side of misdemeanor offenses, one would think.)
But whatever happened, it's mostly forgotten now. That's meant literally. Contra Costa County, where the infraction/s took place, tosses out the details of their misdemeanor convictions after ten years. More than that much time had elapsed when the immigration people tried to make their case, so their motion was empty --- it had no facts from the trial to present, and that's why it was tossed.
So Sheikhan likely dodged a big bullet here, even if the allegations were as overblown as his attorney alleges. Sheikhan remains one of the most colorful and controversial presences on the Vegas 'TV pro' scene, and this episode isn't likely to change that at all.

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