Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Christina Applegate marries woman in Las Vegas

Seems many a celebrity reveals a hidden Las Vegas wedding... particularly when having something to promote.

Last month it was Lance Bass who said he did a quickie wedding in 1999 or 2000 with a best friend (who was female) because of the free booze, but after no record of the nuptials was found, he later retracted and said he was kidding.

Now Christina Applegate has come out with having married a friend (also female) in Las Vegas circa 1990s. According to an old article in Bikini magazine, she said she married in a club and wanted to show how a marriage between two women is stronger than between two men.

There was no consummation.


Applegate stars in the ABC sit-com "Samantha Who?" where she plays a bitchy woman who loses her memory, remembers nothing of her old personality, and turns into a nice gal. Alas, both pre- and post-amnesia, she likes boys.

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