Sunday, May 31, 2009

Poker Stars Adds New Security Features, Not Really New You Just Did Not Know About

Poker Donkeys Podcast PokerStars announced two new security features today that will drastically increase the protection players can enjoy on their online accounts: PIN numbers and RSA Security Tokens.

The PIN numbers are relatively straightforward: if you choose to have a PIN associated with your account, you will now have to enter your PIN, in addition to your user name and password. The PIN isn’t typed in; instead, you enter it on an on-screen keypad that changes positions each time you log in, a measure designed to thwart keyloggers.

You can request a PIN for your account by logging into PokerStars and editing the ‘Login Security Settings’ under the ‘Account’ menu.

RSA Security Tokens are a bit more complex - it’s an actual piece of hardware that generates a code you’ll need to access your PokerStars account. That means, functionally, that without the actual piece of hardware, no one can access your PokerStars account.

RSA Tokens have been available from Stars for awhile now and can be purchased from the Stars FPP store.

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